Payload definition
For detailed specification of the endpoint payload please see the Try Export Health Certificates API.
The current version of this API focuses on capturing information from the exporter or their agent to support a specific Export Health Certificate (EHC).
Future versions of the API will change the approach to requesting an Export Health Certificate. Moving away from requesting a specific EHC to the exporter providing a list of commodities and from the submitted list, we will determine the selection of the appropriate EHC(s) to support the export of the consignment.
The current example to be utilised and tested is: 8293 - Eggs for human consumption to the European Union and Northern Ireland. To simplify the acquisition of the required information, the API requests atomic level constructs specific to elements of the EHC instead of generic constructs.
The data exchange for the Export Health Certificate (EHC) Application process is supported by JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) message structures consisting of 4 primary objects:
- Export Health Certificate Application – object name: ehcApplication
- Exchange Document – object name: exchangeDocument
- Consignment – object name: consignment
- Consignment Line - object name: consignmentLine
Each object will consist of a collection of subordinate objects that provide the necessary detail. Descriptions and guidance on the use of objects is provided below.
Objects may also be defined as arrays; that is, the object may consist of a list of one or more subordinate structured objects.
Some of the values entered for the required objects will be available as reference data lookups; where this is the case the reference data item’s Code, Name, Scheme Identifier, Scheme’s Agency and Scheme Language should also be included as appropriate, see Generic Structures below.
Generic Structures
These generic structures define the elements required within repeating objects; guidance on specific required elements will be given in the Parent object’s description.
The following details are for the generic repeating structures in use, the label ‘objectName’ will be replaced by an appropriate label within the payload structure:
Reference Data Lookup Structure
- Id: The code for the required response
- Name: The name associated with the code
- SchemaId: The Schema Identifier
- AgencyId: The Schema Agency’s Identifier
- Language: The language code for the Scheme
Transport Movement
- MeansOfTransport: This is the Means used to transport the consignment Transport Means - reference data
- meansOfTransportIdentification: This is the Identification Mark of the Means of Transport
Document: This is an array object that lists the documents that are associated with the means of transport and the consignment, such as bills of lading, manifest, etc.
- reference: This is the listed Document’s Reference Mark
It should be noted that the values in the exemplars given on these pages reflect the message structure in its fully completed state which includes elements that are not pertinent at the application submission stage.
Export Health Certificate Application – object name: ehcApplication
This object in the payload structure is where supporting details for the production of the EHC are provided and consists of:
- certificateRequiredByDate – The date by which the certificate is required
- certificateRegion – The region covering the origin of the commodity being exported; this will be available as a reference data lookup from: Country - reference data
certifier – Details of the Commodity Certifier
- name – Name of certifier
address – Address of the Certifier, this is an abbreviation of the generic address structure
- postcode – Address Post Code
- lineOne – First line of the Address
- lineTwo – Second Line of the Address
- city – City of the Address
- certificateQuantity – This is the number of certificates required. Note the current implementation only supports the production of a single (1 - one) certificate
certificateDelivery – The address where the Certificate should be delivered
address – Delivery Address for the Certifier, this is a modification to the generic address and country structure
- postcode – Address Post Code
- lineOne – First line of the Address
- lineTwo – Second Line of the Address
- city – City of the Address
- country – The country and Region of the Certificate Delivery Address.
address – Delivery Address for the Certifier, this is a modification to the generic address and country structure
- countryId – The country for the address Country - reference data
- countrySubDivisionId– The subdivision (Region) for the address Country - reference data
Exchange Document – object name: exchangeDocument
This object identifies the EHC being applied for and provides the header detail for the certificate, it consists of:
- ehcName – Name of the EHC being applied for (e.g. 8293EHC)
- exporterApplicationReferenceId – This is your identifier for the application to be used in tracking the application and certificate progress.
certificateType – this identifies that type and class of commodities being certified.
- id – this is the identifier for the certificate type; it is not pertinent at the application stage and should be set to ‘null’
- exchangeDocumentStatus – this is the status of the exchange document; it is not pertinent at the application stage and should be set to ‘null’
veterinarian – This identifies the Inspector / Veterinarian that will certify the commodity
- name – The Name of the Inspector / Veterinarian that will certify the commodity
fullName – This the full name of the certifier
- title – the honorific used when addressing the certifier (e.g. Ms, Dr., etc.)
- givenName – Given or first name of the certifier
- surname – Surname or family name of the certifier
- contactDetail – Defined Contact details, see the generic Contact Detail Structure above
certification – This is an array object that lists the qualifications of the certifier
- id – This is the qualification identifier, this is not currently implemented and should be set to ‘null’
- schemaId – This is the Scheme for the qualification, this is not currently implemented and should be set to ‘null’
Consignment – object name: consignment This object provides an overview of the commodity consignment to be certified, it consists of:
- exporterConsignmentReferenceId - This is your identifier for the consignment to be used in tracking the certification progress.
- exportExitDateTime – Date and Time the consignment is scheduled to leave the UK
- departureDateTime – Date and Time the consignment is scheduled to leave the Exporter’s premises
consignor – The Exporter, usually the Applicant Organisation
- name – Name of the Consignor Organisation
- address – The Consignor’s Address, see the generic Address structure above
- specifiedPerson – The Person within the Consignor’s organisation that will be the contact for this application, see the generic Person Structure above
consignee – The Importer, usually the final destination Organisation receiving the consignment.
- name – Name of the Consignee Organisation
- address – The Consignee’s Address, see the generic Address structure above
- specifiedPerson – The Person within the Consignee’s organisation that will be the contact for this consignment, see the generic Person Structure above
- origin – This is an array object listing the Countries of Origin Country - reference data
exportLocation – This is an array object listing the locations from whence the Consignment is collated and starts its journey to the UK Border.
- name – Name of the location, usually the Organisation at the Export Location
- address – The Export Location’s Address, see the generic Address structure above
approvalNumber – This is the registered Approval Number of the named Organisation at the Export Location
- id – The Approval number
importLocation – This is an array object listing the Border Locations the consignment will traverse on it way to its destination
- borderControlPost – This Border Control Post (BCP) for the transit point Border Control Post (BCP) - reference data
- name – This is the Border Control Post Name, it is required in case the Border Control Post is not listed in the Reference Data
transitLocation – This is an array object listing the Countries which the consignment will traverse
- country – The Country Country - reference data
loadingLocation - This is the location where the Consignment is loaded for transport.
- name – Name of the location, usually the Organisation at the Loading Location
- address – The Loading Location’s Address, see the generic Address structure above
approvalNumber – This is the registered Approval Number of the named Organisation at the Loading Location
- id – The Approval number
unloadingLocation – This is where the consignment will be unloaded
country – This is the Country where the consignment will be unloaded
- countryId - The country for the address Country - reference data
country – This is the Country where the consignment will be unloaded
despatchParty – This the Organisation despatching the consignment
- name – This is the Name of the organisation despatching the consignment
address – Despatch Party’s, this is a modification to the generic address and country structure
- postcode – Address Post Code
- lineOne – First line of the Address
- lineTwo – Second Line of the Address
- city – City of the Address
- approvalNumber – This is the registered Approval Number of the Despatch Party
- id – The Approval number
- transportMovement – This is an array object that lists the means of transport that will carry the consignment from the Loading Location to the Unloading Location, see the generic Transport Movement Structure above
Consignment Line - object name: consignmentLine
This is an array object that provides details of the tradeProduct in the Consignment
consignmentSummary – This is a summary of the consignment line characteristics
totalPackages – This is the packaging details for the consignment line
- type – The type of packaging Package Type - reference data
itemQuantity – The quantity of this type of package
- value – The integer number
totalMeasures – This is the measure of the consignment line
- netWeight – The net weight of the consignment line
- grossWeight – The gross weight of the consignment line
totalPackages – This is the packaging details for the consignment line
- exporterConsignmentLineReferenceId – This is your reference used to identify the consignment line
tradeLineItem – This is an array object that provides details of the tradeProduct in the consignment line
- sequenceNumber – This is sequence number of the tradeLineItem, sequence numbers start at 1 (one)
- exporterTradeLineReferenceId – This is your reference used to identify the trade line item
tradeProduct – This object provides details of the product being exported
- description – This is a description of the commodity
- scientificName – This is the Scientific Name of the commodity
- naturalTemperatureCategory – This is the temperature category for transporting the commodity, it is chosen from the following enumeration: “Ambient”, Chilled”, “Frozen”
container – This is an array object identifying the containers used for transporting the commodities
containerId – This is the Container’s Identification Mark
- id – this is the identification mark text
sealId – This is the identifier of the seal securing the container
- id – this is the identification text
containerId – This is the Container’s Identification Mark
measure – This is the measure of the trade line item
netWeight – The net weight of the trade line item
- value – This is the numeric value of the measure
- unit – This is the unit of measure that qualifies the value
physicalPackage – This is the packaging details for the trade line item
- type – The type of packaging Package Type - reference data
itemQuantity – The quantity of this type of package
- value – The integer number
- transportMovement – This is an array object that lists the means of transport that will carry the consignment to the Loading Location, see the generic Transport Movement Structure above
netWeight – The net weight of the trade line item
packingCentre – This is an array object the lists the locations at which the trade line item was packaged
organisation – Identifies the packaging organisation
- name – the Name of the packaging organisation
location – Identifies the packaging location
- name – the Name of the packaging organisation
approvalNumber – The registered approval number for the packaging location
- id – The approval identifier
organisation – Identifies the packaging organisation
storage – This is an array object the lists the locations at which the trade line item was stored
organisation – Identifies the storage organisation
- name – the Name of the storage organisation
location – Identifies the packaging location
approvalNumber – The registered approval number for the storage location
- id – The approval identifier
approvalNumber – The registered approval number for the storage location
organisation – Identifies the storage organisation